1.12.23 Teeny Reid, Staff Governor
I met with Mr Nottingham and PE teacher Mr Walters on 1st of December to discuss what PE looks like across Mellers. They were pleased with the progress children are making and are continuing with the same model as last year. In addition to this, this year they are aiming to add one extra hour per week of children being active using teachers to support this. Children are simply not moving enough, not just in PE but during the day in classrooms and therefore, are not getting enough exercise. It has been proven that children who move more during lessons retain more information about what they are learning. This will be introduced in spring with the aim of getting children moving to improve their physical and mental wellbeing. The idea is for these activities to take place during lessons so as not to be something extra, but something incorporated and fun. It will be up to teachers to take ownership of how they use these opportunities during learning. It sounds like a good way to get children more active and I look forward to seeing it in action.