Focus Provision for Deaf Pupils: Trent Bridge

KS1 English

In the Summer term the Key Stage One Focus Provision group will be looking at the text, ‘The Lonely Beast’ by Chris Judge. The children will focus on answering questions, writing simple sentences and describing characters using adjectives. They will continue to practise writing simple sentences with some of the children using ‘and’ to connect two ideas together. In the second half term, we will look at poetry. Poetry can be difficult for deaf children but we will be using riddles which use clues to describe a person or thing, which we are getting really good at. Our focus will be on monsters and creating riddles about their own made up monsters.

KS1 Maths

This term, we will continue to learn about money and how to make the same amount using different coins and notes. We will learn about fractions, half, quarter and third. We will find fractions of shapes, amounts of objects and amounts of numbers. This will also include how some fractions are equivalent, for example, ½ and 2/4. We will learn about measurement of length, weight, capacity and temperature using equipment to measure and compare.

Here are the knowledge organisers for work in Key Stage One:

KS2 English

In English, we will be reading the ‘Iron Man’ by Ted Hughes and the learning will be how to make our writing more interesting by using a range of similes. We will develop our skills in writing and use exciting and more varied vocabulary to describe characters and settings. The children will be looking at different genres of writing, and in particular the style of writing persuasively, looking carefully at vocabulary and skills needed to write a persuasive letter.

KS2 Maths

In Maths, we will be finishing our work on division with remainders. The children are really getting to grips with these concepts and the many signs which they are learning alongside. This half term we will enter the world of fractions and look at fractions on a number line. We will be comparing fractions, making amounts and learning to show and understand equivalent fractions. Next half term, we will revise last year’s work on decimals and use our fraction knowledge to compare the two. We will also revisit work on money and make different amounts using coins and solve mathematical problems which are similar to that in real life monetary situations.

Here are the knowledge organisers for work in Key Stage Two:

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