Foundation 1

Summer 1: What can we find out about houses and places?
We will be learning all about different kinds of houses and homes.  We will be learning the story of the ‘Three Little Pigs’ and the children will be retelling this lovely traditional tale.  We will also be looking at how our environment is different to the ones that we will see when exploring the stories of ‘Handa’s Surprise’ and ‘We’re going on a lion hunt’.
Summer 2: What can we find out about minibeasts and frogs?
We will be learning all about minibeasts and other creatures that we can find.  The children will have the opportunity to observe, discuss and question the different kinds of creatures that we can find.  In particular, we will be learning about spiders, ladybirds and frogs.  We will enjoy sports day and we will also be doing some work around transition to ensure that the children feel happy and safe in their new class.

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