How do we keep children safe at Mellers?

Work with the children:

We use the NSPCC resources in assemblies, lessons and around school as reminders of ways to keep safe: PANTS resources for schools and teachers | NSPCC Learning

Our Year Six pupils access training delivered by the charity Remedi:   Who We Are: Overview | Remedi ( This is work that focuses on informing children about gang and knife crime, domestic violence, county lines and misogyny.

All children work closely with the local community police force to ensure children are safe in our community with a particular focus on anti-social behaviour, gangs and knife crime.

Our Years Five and Six visit the National Justice Museum, focusing on the Ben Kinsella Choices and Consequences workshop: The Ben Kinsella Trust Choices and Consequences Exhibition | The Ben Kinsella Trust  This is to learn about the dangers of gangs and knife crime.

Our PSHE and IT curricula respond to the needs of the community and current safeguarding issues to constantly teach children ways to keep safe on and offline.

Place2Be is our counselling service in school to support children and families: Improving children’s and young people’s mental health – Place2Be

Work with the staff:

Annual safeguarding training with staff in response to Keeping Children Safe in Education. This is the document that underpins all our safeguarding work, and all our staff members have read and understood their roles and responsibilities.

Keeping Children Safe In Education 2024

Mellers’ Safeguarding Policy

In February 2024, the DfE published an update to the statutory guidance, Working Together to Safeguard Children. This document has information on multi-agency working to help, protect and promote the welfare of children.

Working Together To Safeguard Children 2023 Statutory Guidance

All staff access the Andrew all weekly updates and training. Andrew Hall is a highly-regarded safeguarding and child protection expert, who has a website with materials, training and advice for educational and safeguarding professionals.   Here’s the link to his website:

The safeguarding team:

Our DSLs meet weekly to discuss priority cases.

Our safeguarding team meets monthly to discuss priorities which are then shared with the wider staff.

DSLs attend the Nottingham LA DSL termly networks.

For parents and children:

Place 2 Be’s Parenting Smart website has great advice for parents about how to talk to your children about a whole range of parenting issues:

Place2Be Parenting Smart

Here’s another really handy resource for parents, carers and professionals, particularly with regard to sexualised behaviour, sexual abuse and exploitation:

Parents Protect Website

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