
Nottingham Nursery and Mellers Primary Federation is a unique fusion which will create exceptional provision for the community of Radford. The Federated Governing Body has a vision in which it will break glass ceilings and will be an advocate for all in its care. It will create the very best opportunities for its children, supporting them to achieve their full potential, through the promotion of equality for all, in an atmosphere of trust, honesty and compassion.

Mellers and Nottingham Nursery federated in February 2022, and the Federated Governing Body was established at the same time.  Here’s the link to the Nottingham Nursery website, where you can find information about the Nursery: Nottingham Nursery School

Please find below details of how our governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each governor. We have also provided a Register of Governor Interests and an Annual Statement of Issues for your information.

Here’s the statutory information about our governors

Here are our governors’ dates of appointment, terms of office, business and pecuniary interest declarations:

Governors’ Dates Of Appointment And Pecuniary Interest Forms

The governors’ blog lets you know what our very active governing body has been doing, and how the members of the governing body have been involved in ensuring Mellers and Nottingham Nursery go from strength to strength.  You can find it on the home page of this website.

Meet our governors

The school governing body consists of the following:

• Parent governors

• Staff governors (including the head teacher)

• LA appointed governors

• Community governors

In addition, the governing body must elect a chair and vice chair. You can contact the Chair of Governors by email at or through the school office.

Nathalie Bulofo
Thumbnail IMG 0933
Wendy Smith

I am Nathalie Bolofo, co-opted governor.  Click for my bio. 

I’m Janine Walker, co-opted governor.

Click for my bio

I’m Wendy Smith, former local councillor and Lord Mayor, co-opted governor and former teacher of the deaf.  Click for my bio. 

Lesley Lyon
Sue Blakeway
Femi F

I am Lesley Lyon, Chair of Governors of the Federation.
Click for my bio.

I’m Amanda Dawson, Executive Headteacher of the Federation.
Click for my bio.

I’m Sue Blakeway, joint vice chair of the federated governing body and co-opted governor.
Click for my bio.

I’m Femi Folorunso, co-opted governor.
Click for my bio.

Hannah Darko (2)
Celia Morris

I’m Laura Patel, Deputy Head at Mellers and associate governor.
Click for my bio.

I’m Hannah Darko, parent governor.   Click for my bio.

I’m Celia Morris a co-opted governor.  Click for my bio.

Teeny Reid
Jo Kervick
Carol's Photo
Amy Fuller

I’m Teeny Reid, co-opted governor and teaching assistant at Mellers.
Click for my bio.

I’m Jo Kervick, co-opted governor and teacher at Mellers.
Click for my bio.

I’m Carol McCrone, Local Authority governor.
Click for my bio.

I’m Amy Fuller, co-opted governor and assistant headteacher at a local secondary school.  Click for my bio.

Please see the table attached here for details of our governing body

Terms of Reference Mellers Primary and Nottingham Nursery 23-24

Powers and duties of the governing body

The governing body has general responsibility for the conduct of both schools with a view to promoting high standards of educational achievement

•Setting appropriate targets for pupil achievement at Key Stages 2, 3 and 4

• Managing both schools’ budgets

• Making sure that the curricula for the schools are balanced and broadly based

• Reporting National Curriculum assessments and examination results

• Appointing the executive headteacher, heads of school and deputy headteacher, determining how the appointment of other staff will be managed and establishing procedures for management of staff conduct and discipline and staff grievances

• Reviewing the schools’ performance management policies

• Managing governors’ duties to pupils with Special Educational Needs under Section 317 of the Education Act 1996

• Drawing up an action plan after an inspection

What do our governors do?

The role of the governing body is to take a largely strategic role in the running of both schools. This includes:

• Setting up a strategic framework for the schools and helping to decide the schools’ strategies for improvement

• Setting aims, objectives and priorities

• Agreeing policies and targets for achieving the objectives

• Monitoring and reviewing aims, objectives and whether the policies, targets and priorities are being achieved

• Acting as a critical friend by asking questions and push for improvements as well as promoting the interests of the schools and their pupils

• Ensuring accountability by discussing and refining proposals while respecting the professional roles of the executive headteacher, heads of school and other staff. In its turn the governing body answers for its actions to parents and the wider local community for both schools’ overall performance

The governing body is not responsible for the internal organisation, management and control of the schools. This is the responsibility of the executive headteacher and heads of school.

Governor Code of Conduct

Governor monitoring

Our governing body is actively involved in making sure the school development plans are having an impact, and here is the governors’ plan which outlines the way in which the members of our governing body will measure the impact of our development work.

September 2023-July 2024

Federated Governing Body Monitoring Plan 2023-24

September 2022-July 2023

Federated Governing Body Monitoring Plan 2022-23

What impact does the governing body have?

The following is a statement by the governors of Mellers Primary School showing the monitoring work that has been carried out by the board and the impact that the visits have had for the education of the pupils.

Governors’ Impact Statement 2022-23

Governors Impact Statement 2021-22

Minutes of governing body meetings, containing governors’ attendance information

Governing Body Meeting Minutes 2022-23

Governing Body Meeting Minutes 2021-22

We’re in the process of uploading up to date photos of our governing body!

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