For this half term in maths, we will be finishing our unit of work by exploring equivalent fractions. We will then be moving onto mass and capacity, using a variety of scales to measure accurately. In the final half term, we will be learning about time and also interpreting data in statistics.
In English, we are currently finishing our book ‘The Iron Man’ which is a classic children’s novel by Ted Hughes. We will have a focus on writing detailed newspaper reports and how to create suspense in story writing. We will then start a new non-fiction book called ‘What it’s like to be a bird’ where the children will learn about various bird species and recreate their own fact files.
In Geography, we are finishing off our work on volcanoes by making a 3D model of a volcano. In the final half term, we will be studying rainforests to understand the importance of reducing deforestation. This links to our science topic of plants where we will be investigating the different parts of a plant and finding out the conditions that they grow best in. In the final term, we will be working on our scientific skills by conducting a number of different investigations.
In history, we will be learning about The Mayan Civilisation and their way of life, whilst also looking at the significance of the invasion by The Spanish Conquistadors. This links with our art topic of sculptures where we will be using Mayan art as an inspiration for our own pieces of work.
In DT, the children have designed their stuffed frog teddies so they will now proceed to make them using the stitches that they have been taught. We will then turn our focus to free standing structures. The children will research photo frames and the mechanisms that allow them to stand freely. The children will then design and make their own photo frames.
In RE, we have been studying a number of different religions. This will continue in the summer term as we research inspirational people from the past to understand their impact on different religions.
In PSHE we are beginning a unit of work on financial education. We want the children to be aware of the risks and dangers involving money, and ensure that they know how to keep money safe. We also want children be mindful when making choices on what to spend money on.
In computing, we are teaching the children how to use emails safely and securely. We will then teach them how to make presentations on Microsoft PowerPoint which will be a useful skill to have in the future.
PE day is still on Fridays for both classes. We will also be swimming on Tuesdays until the end of the first half term.

Here are the knowledge organisers for the work we’ll be doing this term: