Attendance Matters

Here are some of the really important parts of our attendance policy, don’t forget you can translate this by clicking the Google translate button in the top right hand corner of this page:


Attendance really does matter, keep up to date!

Here are the key points from our Attendance Policy which was implemented in 1st September 2015, and amended in February 2018.

It’s really important that all pupils come to school on time every day.  One of our goals is to ensure that every child reaches their full potential so excellent attendance really does matter.

Attendance laws set by the government have changed.  So, we have looked at our attendance policy and made some important changes. Please read the policy, as it will be in place and used from the beginning of the school year in September 2015. You can download the Attendance policy in full in the ‘School Policy’ part of the ‘Resources’ tab.

Key points:

We aim to achieve high levels of attendance and punctuality (above 97%) for each child

In the foundation stage the responsibility for the children attending the provision is solely that of the parent or carer and the place could be at risk if a child does not access it regularly.

The school doors are opened at 8.40 am. The registration period is from 8.40 am until 8.50 am, when the registers will be closed.  After 9.00 children will be given an unauthorised late (U code) due to the amount of learning time already missed. Five unauthorised codes in two weeks is considered as persistent lateness and will result in further actions, including penalty notices.

All absences are unauthorised until a satisfactory reason for the absence is given, however it is the school’s responsibility and final decision to authorise any absence.

All children’s attendance is monitored but when the percentage attendance is below 90%, the child is considered a persistent absentee and further investigation takes place. This can trigger further sanctions

Penalty notices may be issued per parent, per child, who has unauthorised absence from school. The amount of the penalty is £60 per parent, per child. If this is not paid within 21 days the amount rises to £120 per parent, per child.

Head teachers can only grant five days leave in term time, in one academic year, where the circumstances are exceptional, for example: death of parent/carer or sibling of the pupil; life threatening or critical illness of parent or sibling of the pupil; parent/carer recuperation and convalescence from critical illness or surgery (leave request to be made within 6 months of recovery and medical evidence required)

If you ever have any concerns about your child’s attendance and punctuality or with the policy please speak to Mrs Patel or Miss Cannop. Whilst we want to lower the number of absences, we are here to support and advise families as best we can before any sanctions are needed.

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