Year Two: River Trent and River Leen

In English, the children will be reading the book ‘The Lonely Beast’ by Chris Judge. The children will be writing a character description of the Lonely Beast and writing the end of the story. Next half term, Year Two will be reading the non-fiction book ‘The Emperor’s Egg’ by Martin Jenkins and will explore what life is like for an Emperor penguin.

In maths, we will begin this half term by looking at measure, including length, height, weight, volume and capacity. Next half term, the children will be finishing off the year looking at time, statistics and position and direction.

Here’s what we’re learning across the curriculum:

  • Science: This half term we are learning about animals and humans. Starting from how their offspring differ and what makes them different.
  • Design Technology: Next half term the children will be creating designing and creating their own salads.
  • Art: We have started this half term by looking at collage created by Hannah Hoch and then next half term we will be creating structures.
  • History: We have been learning about castles and we will be going on an exciting trip to Nottingham Castle. Next half term, we will be learning about holidays and how they have changed from the past.
  • RE: We are currently looking at leaders in our society and leaders in religious stories, and what makes them good leaders.
  • Computing: This half term, Year two will be exploring how questioning is linked to coding and then will be making music digitally.
  • PSHE: We will be looking at financial education.

Year Two River Leen has PE on a Monday.

Year Two River Trent has PE on a Thursday.

Here are the knowledge organisers for this term’s work:

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