In Year Six, we will be working hard to ensure that the children are ready and prepared for their SATs exams in May. This term, we will be running revision afternoons, focusing upon the necessary skills and techniques to help the children achieve their best.
This term in English, we will be reading the book ‘Shackleton’s Journey’ by William Grill and learning more about this incredible expedition across the Antarctic. We will use the book as a stimulus for drama, writing and debate.
Our maths lessons will focus on understanding decimals, percentages and measures. We will also spend time revising the work we’ve done over the year in preparation for summer term assessments.
In art lessons we will be focusing on identity. We will be studying the works of Frida Khalo, Shahzia Sikander, Denzel Forester and Gustav Klimt. Their art work will be used as inspiration, as we will be looking at how they each have their own unique artistic techniques.
In computing, we will be learning how to create and use spreadsheets to perform calculations and organise data. We will understand how to draw tables and write formulae. We will also further develop knowledge of coding. The pupils will build on their knowledge to design more complex computer programs.
For Science, the children will understand how we see things and that light travels in straight lines. They will also learn about the colours that produce white light and what happens when light is refracted through a prism.
Year Six Jesse Boot have their P.E. lessons on Mondays and Brian Clough have their P.E. lessons on Fridays. Please ensure they have the correct P.E. kit: white t-shirt, black/navy shorts or trousers and trainers.

Here are the knowledge organisers for some of our work this term: