10.4.20 Lesley Lyon, Chair of Governors

Dear parents and carers

I feel it is appropriate for me to write to you at this very distressing time on behalf of the full governing body of Mellers.

Although it is officially the Easter break I expect you all feel that it is such a long time since Mellers closed for the majority of our children. In that time you will all have become teachers and friends to your children whilst struggling to cope with the amazing work set for them (even I have had a go at Purple Mash!). You will have become storytellers, poets, artists and musicians alongside many other roles. For this I sincerely thank you as you help us to continue their love of learning for when school reopens.

For some children school has continued. The children of key workers and those with additional needs have continued to attend and I thank our brilliant and dedicated staff for preparing exciting activities, making meals and keeping the school well maintained and clean. As ever a real team effort from everyone at Mellers.

As Chair of Governors I have continued to meet virtually with Miss Dawson a couple of times a week. The leadership team has continued to meet, also virtually, to ensure that they are planned and prepared for when the lockdown lifts; they have also been ensuring that our children out there are safe and well and that as a school we are following all the rules and guidance sent to us by the Department for Education and the local authority.

We hope that you and your families are safe and well and we look forward to welcoming you all back to Mellers as soon as we are able.
Lesley Lyon
10th April 2020

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