22.5.23 Sue Blakeway, Vice Chair of Governors

As part of monitoring week, I spent the morning of 22nd May with Miss Dermody looking at the teaching and learning of maths. We visited classes in years 1, 3, 4 and 6. I observed the children actively involved in a variety of activities. There is clear evidence of progression over time, children learn techniques and methods early in their school career and use them effectively to solve problems in all year groups. There is a common language, used by staff and children and an emphasis on understanding. The children discuss their ideas and work with their peers and adults, they are tolerant of each other and help each other to learn.
Understanding is underpinned by the excellent use of resources. In all year groups the children work on whiteboards, sharing their thinking with their partners and groups. Book work is very well presented, and the pre-printed squares are used to support methodology and understanding. In year 3, children were using fraction blocks to support their learning. They were able to choose the appropriate blocks and use them to solve the set problems.
The most pleasing aspect of the visit was witnessing the children enjoying their learning in mathematics. They are engaged and keen to learn, and justifiably proud of the work they do.

Mathematics will be showcased at the next Governor Pupil Progress meeting.

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