23.5.23 Sue Blakeway, Vice Chair of Governors

As part of monitoring week, I spent the afternoon of 23rd May with Mr Moss who will be leading science during the next academic year. We used the time to meet with representatives from Years 1, 3, 4 and 5 and they shared the work in their floor books.

All children were able to look back on their previous work and discuss the learning that they had undertaken. The floor books were well presented and there was evidence of common recording systems to support progression. The children recalled their learning very well and spoke articulately about the activities they had undertaken and what they had discovered.

In all year groups the children do experiments, which they clearly enjoy. They all talked about making predictions then doing tests to find out if their predictions are correct. During one topic, ‘Animals including humans’ the children explained how they had learnt about the human body, the bones and how they work. The following science project was all about human teeth, and they were able to discuss the different types of teeth and the role they play. They recalled doing an experiment to look at the effect of different drinks on the teeth, using eggs. This was memorable for them, and they understand the impact of drinking energy and sugary drinks on their teeth and how water is the best drink for health.

Science is a popular subject with the children, they enjoy learning about a wide range of topics. The curriculum is broad and includes lots of practical activities that help the children to learn and promote deeper understanding. Progression over time is evident both in the floor books and in discussion with the pupils. It was a privilege to meet with the children, they made me very proud to be part of Mellers.

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