24.11.22 Sue Blakeway, Vice Chair of Governors
It was very informative and interesting to visit NNS, my first opportunity to see the nursery at work. The facilities are excellent, spacious rooms and lots of outdoor space for the children to enjoy and explore. There is a high staff to child ratio, as expected, and all adults were engaged in activities with the children.
The provision covers a wide range of ages, and it was clear that all children are well looked after and supported to ensure appropriate learning is taking place. The children were busy and happy, with lots of opportunities to learn in a variety of ways. The continuous provision gives them choice, then they are brought back to whole class activities. It was a pleasure to see all the children singing together, clearly having learnt songs and routines previously.
There is a learning theme across all of the groups which is seen in the displays and the chosen stories. The equipment is appropriate and well used. During our visit we saw the children using the outdoor space, all children go outside. They enjoyed the outdoor play, some choosing physical activities and others being more creative. Two of the younger children enjoyed a walk in the pushchair, a chance to rest and nap.
I am looking forward to learning more about NNS and early education in the future. Thank you for a very helpful visit.