24.6.22 Jo Kervick, Governor

Last term, Kiran Dhanjal monitored PHSE. She observed lessons in Years 1, 3 and 5. Feedback was given to class teachers and Kiran identified some questions to consider.

  • How do children apply what they have learnt?
  • How do you know children have achieved the learning objective?
  • How do we evidence leaning in PHSE?
  • Are we making links to worry muncher/online one- compliments jar?

The long-term plans have been adapted to include links to the work on peer-on-peer abuse.

As a school we have recently celebrated Schools Diversity Week. School Diversity Week is a huge celebration inclusion, including LGBT, that takes place every June, opening up much needed conversations about acceptance.  As a school we have a team of Diversity Ambassadors. The ambassadors are 9 members of staff who are particularly passionate about equality and making sure our children have someone they can talk to. They will wear rainbow pin badges on their lanyards.

In March, we appointed a new Project Manager for Place 2 Be her name is Fay Lee and she is an experienced school counsellor.

Mental health support available for parents is being shared regularly in the newsletter.

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