25.11.22 Lesley Lyon, Chair of Governors

It has been fascinating to join the staff INSET session today finding out about the curriculum that our children study.

I heard presentations from staff about science, art, history, IT, PSHE, RE and music. Staff participated in practical activities which were lead by lead teachers in the various subject areas. They debated aspects of the curriculum and discussed ideas for teaching various concepts.

We explored technology to enhance the curriculum. We looked at Apple TV and how it can take children to wonderful periods in history and space. We floated around the earth, colliding with planets and observing the starts. We walked the Great Wall of China. What an absolutely magical experience available for the children.

We composed tracks using an app called Garage Band. We created professional quality pieces of music that could be used to enhance our already vibrant music curriculum.

In art we created work based on autumn and discussed how children could use sketchbooks to explore their ideas.

In RE we thought about how visits to local temples and churches could deepen the children’s understanding of world religions and think about their own views and ideas.

It was a wonderful day and it excited me to understand the wonderful, vibrant curriculum our children study at Mellers. They are encouraged to learn and think about different places, ideas and times and form their own view of the world in which they are growing up.

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