4.12.12 Femi Folorunso

As part of Governors’ Monitoring Week activities, I met with Mr McKeefry on the 4th December, 2019. He was able to explain in details; how Mellers Primary School carries out self-review to assess sporting activities in the school; what his team is doing to ensure the programme meet the needs of all pupils and the areas for potential improvement.  On swimming, the team has identified that according to research, children between age 6-7 gain better and faster swimming skills than other age group. Therefore, there are plans in place to ensure pupils in that age group have swimming lessons all through the year.

Efforts are being made to encourage pupils who are not quite interested in  swimming. Also, there are plans in place for intensive swimming lessons in summer term for pupils who have never swam before.

Other sports: pupils are engaged in varieties of sports at Mellers Primary School.  Nathan, a qualified sport trainer is hired by Mellers to help pupils in different sport activities. Nathan is supervised by Mr McKeefry and Mr Nottingham.

As part of the newly proposed national curriculum, pupils are expected to have two hours of physical activities in a week. This is to ease stress and enhance learning.

There are plans to encourage pupils to participate in sport activities; engage those who seem uninterested; and a plan to carry out a survey to assess the whole process.  Mr McKeefry and Mr Nottingham are working on how best to implement the newly proposed curriculum in Mellers.

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