11.7.22 Lesley Lyon, Chair of Governors

It was a great pleasure to make my first formal visit to the nursery as Chair of Governors on 6th July. I met with Mrs Patel and she explained to me how the nursery works on a day to day basis. We began by discussing how the nursery ensures that the children are kept safe and happy – this is a major part of the work of governors at both settings and always takes priority.

We then walked round the nursery visiting all classrooms. We paid particular attention to the displays and areas of interest in the classrooms and how they support the learning and development of the children. It was a warm day and the children were mostly outside exploring the areas of interest in the different sections of the playground. We also discussed Mrs Patel’s plans for tidying up the less used areas.

We finished in the baby room where it was a delight to watch the children interacting with each other and the staff.

At the end of the visit the full governing body held its last meeting of the academic year in the training centre.

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