About our School

Mellers is a city primary school for pupils aged from 3-11 years. We have a 52 place nursery with full-time and part-time places; there are two classes in every year group, and the demand for places at our school is very high: we’re oversubscribed in most year groups.  In September 2021, the Nottingham City Focus Provision for Deaf Pupils joined us, and we have 13 profoundly deaf pupils enrolled.  We’re all learning British Sign Language too!

In February 2022 we federated with the Nottingham Nursery School, also in Radford, which means that we are providing excellence for children and families from birth to 11 years old.  Here’s the link to the Nottingham Nursery website:

Nottingham Nursery School

At Mellers, we want to give your child an education of the highest standard; we aim for excellence in all our school activities and encourage all children, whatever their ability, to achieve the best they possibly can.  We all feel that Mellers is an extraordinary, unique school, ‘an oasis at the heart of the community’ in which everyone strives to ensure that we all have every opportunity to be the best that we can be.  We want our pupils to leave Mellers and be well-equipped for secondary school, for college, for the top universities and for the world of work.  We want our pupils to be fulfilled, hopeful and brimming with aspiration.


Mission Statement

Learning together: reaching high

School Aims

At Mellers Primary School

We are able to shine, whoever we are

We work together as a caring team, in which we are all supported

We are all treated fairly and are valued

We learn in many different places and environments

We are challenged in our thinking so that our imaginations can run riot

We are provided with a safe and secure space for learning

We love and respect ourselves, others, our school and the world around us

We value positive behaviour, good manners and respect

We feel proud of everything Mellers stands for

I come from…

I come from a rainy, cold city

in the middle of the country

I come from a white sky

and green parks full of trees

I come from the River Trent

and the River Leen

I come from mosques, temples, churches

I come from jazz, pop, hip-hop and rap,

from guitars, pianos, trumpets and trombones

I come from the crisp air coming

in through open windows

I come from fish and chips, curry and pizza

at weekends

I come from shopping at Vic Centre,

the lions in slab square

I come from a summer beach and a winter ice rink

I come from Panthers, Magpies, Forest and Trent Bridge

I come from donuts, mushy peas, candy floss

at Goose Fair

I come from Robin Hood, Sherwood Forest,

Nottingham Castle and Wollaton Hall

I come from blue uniforms, teachers and friends,

Place to Be, reflection time, First Aid for Feelings

and playground buddies

I come from the Mellers shield

I come from Nottingham

By Year 6

Mellers Primary School


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