Internet Safety

We understand the impact of the internet on children’s lives and the opportunities it brings. Whilst we encourage children to explore and express their creativity, we also acknowledge the risks of the digital world and take measures to ensure their safety.

These risks include cyberbullying, exposure to inappropriate content, online predators, and sharing personal information. It is crucial for us to educate our students about these risks and teach them how to navigate the online space safely and responsibly.

As a school, we take the following measures to promote online safety:

-We follow the SMART rules.

– We raise awareness among all children about internet risks.

– We create an environment where children feel comfortable reporting any incidents or concerns they may have.

– We provide training for our staff to equip them with the knowledge and skills necessary to support children’s online safety.

– We regularly review and discuss our Online Safety policy to ensure it is effective and up to date.

– We utilise monitoring and filtering software that restricts access to inappropriate material and alerts Designated Safeguarding Leads if exposure to harmful content arises.

By incorporating these measures into our curriculum and school community, we aim to foster a safe and responsible use of the internet among our students.

Work with Staff

All staff have attended Cyber Security Training.

Annual safeguarding training with staff in response to Keeping Children Safe in Education which includes Online Safety.

Work with Parents

During Meet the Teacher events the IT Technicians are available to support parents with parental controls or any safety advice.

Signposting parents to useful websites

Parents and Carers – UK Safer Internet Centre

CEOP Safety Centre

Childnet — Online safety for young people

Online Safety lesson outcomes

Year 1

  • Children understand what is meant by technology and can identify a variety of examples both in and out of school.
  • They can make a distinction between objects that that use modern technology and those that do not.
  • Children understand the importance of keeping information private and actively demonstrate this in lessons.
  • Children take ownership of their work and save this in their own private space.

Year 2

  • Children know the implication of inappropriate online searches.
  • Children begin to understand how things are shared electronically.
  • They develop an understanding of using email safely and know ways of reporting inappropriate behaviours and content to a trusted adult.

Year 3

  • Children demonstrate the importance of having a secure password and not sharing this with anyone else.
  • Children can explain the negative implications of failing to keep passwords safe and secure.
  • They understand the importance of staying safe and the importance of their conduct when using familiar communication tools.
  • They know more than one way to report unacceptable content and contact.

Year 4

  • Children can explore the key concepts relating to online safety using concept mapping.
  • They can help others to understand the importance of online safety.
  • Children know a range of ways of reporting inappropriate content and conduct.

Year 5

  • Children have a secure knowledge of online safety rules and can apply this by demonstrating the safe and respectful use of a few different technologies and online services.
  • Children implicitly relate appropriate online behaviour to their right to personal privacy and mental well-being of themselves and others.

Year 6

  • Children demonstrate the safe and respectful use of a range of different technologies and online services.
  • They identify more discreet inappropriate behaviours through developing critical thinking.
  • They recognise the value in preserving their privacy when online for their own and other people’s safety.

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