13.7.21 Carol McCrone, Vice Chair of Governors
Mr McKeefry, geography lead and year 2 teacher, reported excellent progress with the geography curriculum, in its first full year. The hard work that he has put into the curriculum map has helped other staff, who are really enthusiastic about the subject and have fed back their own suggestions. He was really pleased to share that geography lessons had carried on over lockdown. He is focusing on developing the children’s understanding of the world, maps and subject vocabulary, to provide great life skills and knowledge. Thanks to Mr McKeefry for the excellent display in the foyer featuring the giant globe! Outdoor learning hasn’t suffered during the pandemic, with the excellent orienteering challenges that he has developed for the children. Feedback from the children shows just how interesting they find the subject, with particular favourites being rain forests and pollution, which are building amazing social responsibility to help them to protect the planet in the future. One Year 3 class is so knowledgeable that they are leading their own lesson on rainforests! Fantastic work and many thanks to Mr McKeefry for all you have done for the children’s love of geography!