19.7.21 Jo Kervick, staff governor
During monitoring week, I met with Kiran Dhanjal the RSHE lead. This year at Mellers, we have had a big focus on the wellbeing of children, staff and the wider community.
As a school we celebrated Diversity Week. During this week, we discussed differences and how we show respect towards other people’s choices. Throughout the week, the children took part in lessons which celebrated inclusion, diversity and the differences which make us all special and unique. Some of these lessons focussed on topics such as what diversity means, what it means to be unique and proud of who you are, what different families look like and looking at a range of role models.
We also celebrated RSE day, all children were taught age-appropriate lessons. Miss Dhanjal has monitored the teaching and learning of RSE by observing lessons and giving teachers feedback on what worked well and next steps.
Circle Time is being delivered to all children. Miss Dawson and Miss Dhanjal have observed sessions and fed back to staff on areas for further development. The use of the ‘worry muncher’ is being used across school, both in class and online. Any worries are dealt with during circle time discussions.
Most classes are making good use of the compliments jar, children leave positive messages to each other which is great for self-esteem. All classes have been embedding the five steps to wellbeing weekly and delivering weekly outdoor learning sessions which the children love. Each class has a long-term plan which outlines everything that needs to be covered over the year. The RSHE policy has recently been revised by Miss Dhanjal and SLT.