26th November 2018

As Governors, we have a responsibility to ensure that all staff are supported in their professional development and personal well-being. In particular, this extends to our Newly Qualified teachers.

To this end, I accompanied Mrs Patel to the classroom of our NQT to watch while she did an observation. We observed the children on the carpet having a discussion and following a busy sequence of activities where children were engaged in reading, role play and coordination and shape activities.

I was pleased to learn that our NQTs are mentored very closely and have a range of opportunities to participate in training as part of the Transform Reaching Alliance as well as other training offered by the Local Authority.

Our NQT told me ‘I feel really well supported at Mellers. There is always someone to help with planning and give me good advice about how to organise the learning. I have enjoyed my first term at Mellers. It has been hard work but good’.

I felt happy that our Newly Qualified Teacher would develop into a good teacher for the children.

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