30.3.23 Amy Fuller, Associate Governor

On Tuesday it was a pleasure to meet with Martin McKeefry and a group of children from across all year groups. Floor books were immaculately presented and show progression as longer written pieces of work become evident in older year groups. It was clear what had been studied. When students leave Mellers, these floor books will show their Mellers journey and will be a lovely keepsake for the children.

Student interviews: all students were able to articulate the work they were studying in geography and what they were actually learning within that. It was clear that they know the difference between the subjects they are being taught outside of core. I asked the students how they know they are making progress and they mentioned high scores in quizzes. This is positive as Martin is further developing knowledge check quizzes from our last meeting. The students also told me what they would like to learn in geography and this was noted for further discussion when we next meet. Students mentioned that they wanted to complete work linked to specific countries and their cultures. I queried this with Martin afterwards as I know that this is part of work to be covered across all subjects. We discussed how we could get the children to link the work they are completing in other subjects to geography and decided that a world map within their floorbooks that can be annotated with every country studied throughout their time at Mellers would be helpful. Martin also commented that it would help to see parts of the world that are not covered. I am looking forward to my next visit where I will be spending time in lessons.

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