9.12.20 Lesley Lyon, Chair of Governors

It was an absolute pleasure to join the presentation of the reading project that Mellers has been involved in: ‘Reading for Pleasure’. The session was led by Professor Teresa Cremin and we heard about the work all the schools had developed as part of the project.

Some time ago at Mellers, when I was interviewing children, we had talked about having a school library. The problem is that we don’t have the space for one. Governors will certainly be putting this back on the agenda to try and  find a way of making this happen. The project has taught us that children have a real appetite for books and thus we have a duty to provide as many opportunities as possible.

The presentations were inspirational and made so much sense to encouraging the love of reading. As adults we must read children’s literature ourselves so we can talk about books to them.  Since then I have read four books – what a joy!

I would like to thank Mrs Buttress and Mrs Newbold for all the hard work they have done in leading this project and the staff who have worked to hard to become experts in children’s literature.

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