9.2.23 Sue Blakeway, Vice Chair of Governors

I met with Lauren Marks, the lead teacher for science. Lauren shared the curriculum planning and other subject documentation, we observed a year 3 science lesson and looked at the children’s floor books from all years in the school.

The curriculum plan has been summarised into a one page document; it is clear to see what the children are learning each half term and how they progress over time. A second document shows how the children progress in the three disciplines of chemistry, physics and biology throughout their education at Mellers.

Science is allocated one hour per week on the timetable. Some sessions are extended on a needs basis, particularly to support investigative work. All teachers are provided with guidance for delivering good science lessons. There is an emphasis on certain elements that need to be part of each lesson, for example reference to prior learning and a real-life problem to anchor the learning.

The children in Year 3 were clearly enjoying their lesson. They were learning about shadows and were challenged to discuss and consider possibilities. They used scientific language well and were confident to share their thinking with others in the class. Teacher questioning was a particular strength, all children were asked to explain their thinking and were encouraged to develop concepts and ideas. The presentation, with excellent visuals, helped the children to understand how shadows occur and how variables impact on a shadow.

The children’s floor books clearly show progression over time. In all year groups, they use a set template to record scientific experiments and this was consistently evident.

I plan to visit Lauren next term. She is going to undertake a student voice activity with the pupils which we will use a basis for our next discussion.

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